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Retirement Planning


Live out your retirement with confidence

Whether you’re saving for retirement or already retired, having a defined retirement strategy is guaranteed to give you financial peace of mind once you stop working. 

Many Canadians struggle to understand what income they can expect at retirement and whether their current saving strategy will help them achieve their financial goals after they retire. 

After taking a holistic look at your finances, we’ll provide you with a forecast of your future income at retirement, and work with you to create a personalized retirement plan to achieve your goals.


How it works


Retirement planning can start upwards of 30 years before you stop working.

Wherever you are in the process, we’ll work with you to create a plan that allows you to live out your life on your terms while maintaining the lifestyle you want. Here’s how our process works:


Conduct a review your assets and liabilities

From employment and passive income to government benefits and savings plans, we’ll take a deep dive into all of your financial assets and liabilities to assess where you are and help get you where you need to be at retirement.



Forecasting your cashflow at retirement

Once we have a full view of your assets, we’ll begin forecasting conservative, realistic and optimistic scenarios for retirement. These reports consider market fluctuation, inflation, salary increases, downsizing and more to help you evaluate different retirement options and plan accordingly.



Creating a long-term retirement plan

Using proven strategies and investment planning tactics, we’ll work with you to develop a savings strategy that will build up your retirement fund and keep it replenished long after you stop working.



Monitor, review and optimize

As part of our financial planning review, we’ll re-assess your retirement plan to ensure it’s still fit for purpose. We’ll adjust your strategy to reflect your needs, which means reducing your risk as you approach retirement and begin drawing down on your assets.


We don’t want our clients to just retire from something, we want them to have something to retire to. We help them develop habits and saving strategies to give them peace of mind at retirement and long after.